MEPC/82/7/10: Shipping at the intersection of climate, biodiversity and pollution

NGOs with consultative status at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) banded together to submit a paper based on Equal Routes’ report Navigating the Future: Bridging Shipping, Biodiversity, and Decarbonization. This submission known as the “shipping nexus” issue, highlights the urgent need for shipping solutions that address the interconnected planetary crises of pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss.

A central recommendation is the creation of a high-level task force, modeled after the IMO's Maritime Just Transition Task Force, to explore these critical issues and propose actionable steps forward.

Navigating the Future: Bridging Shipping, Biodiversity, and Decarbonization

The report emphasizes the need to address the triple planetary threats of pollution, climate change, and biodiversity loss in the context of shipping solutions and impacts. The goal is to not only elevate the dialogue on biodiversity and pollution to the level of climate, but also show how meeting biodiversity goals can support positive climate outcomes.

A main recommendation is the framing of a new 2030 Shipping Pact For People and Nature (2030 SPPaN), which outlines concrete measures to guide the maritime sector in assessing, reducing, and avoiding its negative impacts on marine biodiversity and climate. If quickly and comprehensively implemented, the Pact could contribute to reversing biodiversity loss and addressing the climate crisis this decade.